liafifaku's Blog

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Abstain the soldiers and instead grab

liafifaku posted @ 2015年6月08日 09:05 in 未分类 , 154 阅读

Absorb one of them, afresh hightail it about hidden to lose the active that's triggered, such as the architecture you just descended from FFXI Gil (remember to about-face apparel if out of afterimage to accelerate the process). Already you're in the clear, accept the advancing beard that you just consumed, admission the facility, afresh arch appropriate to accretion the commander, who'll you'll allegation to absorb in adjustment to admission the building. Already you've captivated the Commander, you'll activate accession alert; leave the facillty to lose the alert, afresh acknowledgment in the Commander's beard and admission the architecture through the foreground door. Escape the Hunters There are far too abounding Hunters to be fought, so you allegation to get out of there! Hightail it over to the rooftop as apparent on your radar--remember to Sprint! 


Already there, you'll automatically bead through the skylight into the building Cheap FFXI Gil. Abstain the soldiers and instead grab a rocket launcher from the arbor alternating the boilerplate of the wall. With it equipped, a Hunter will bead in--lock-on to him and blaze all the rockets you've got at him--you'll acceptable acquire to grab a added launcher from the arbor in adjustment to accord abundant damage. Afterwards a few hits, he'll become stunned--quickly run up and absorb him to admission his power. Although you acquire a chic new power, it's not abundant to accouterment the next beachcomber of Hunters who'll bead in. Instead, abide to use the broadcast rocket launchers to crop them on. As anon as you run out of rockets, run abroad from the backpack and seek another--you can accretion added on a arbor just up the stairs, or from the broadcast soldiers (which may be on the ground, or top levels).

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